Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hole in the Wall

Coming home from work a few months ago, I was greeted with an unusually clean house - this is my first sign that something may be amiss! BIG smiles and "welcome home mom" were prevalent. My attention was directed to the kitchen and living room which was spotless - dusted, vacuumed and de-cluttered - HIGHLY suspect!

Just as I was gathering the courage to begin the interrogation process to identify the impetus for this model behavior, I turned around and noticed that the back wall in my hallway was now sporting a HUGE hole! Upon closer inspection, I noticed that this hole was the same approximate size and shape of my youngest son...coincidence??? I think not!

As my blood pressure started to rise at the same calibration as my voice, my sons were quick to come up with a very reasonable explanation. My 16 year old was only giving my 13 year old a piggy back ride and he slipped! I should be HAPPY they were playing together...

Needless to say, I did not buy this story no matter how sincere it was delivered! After months of grounding, I still have not gotten the real story which I suspect is more along the lines of son #3 said something son #1 didn't like and there was an offensive attack at which point son #3 (who is considerably shorter and lighter) launched himself onto the back of son #1. Son #1 took the opportunity to launch a body spin worthy of Hulk Hogan to see if he could fling son #3 off which while spectacular just happened to launch him into the aforementioned wall.

This is only an educated guess...I may never know the real story until years when my sister and I told my dad a few years ago about our spackling skills (but that's another story)...