Friday, May 1, 2009

AXE fights....

OK, I have to give AXE credit...they do a phenomenal job of promoting their product to teenage boys. Spray yourself with AXE and you will have women falling all over you. I am not sure that is exactly what I want for my sons, but they have bought into the ads and HAVE TO HAVE Axe! Of course, they each have their own favorite and I have to admit, I can't tell the difference between the one with the dragon on it or the yellow one. Honestly, AXE does smell better than they do after track or soccer practice :)

However, the one thing that AXE does not promote (and perhaps they are missing an opportunity here!) is AXE fights! These usually occur early in the morning or late at night in my house. I can tell when one has just happened as the mingled scent of musk and teen spirit is wafting through the house. For whatever reason, one of the boys will shoot his brother who immediately retaliates with his own shot back and before you know it, it is impossible to walk into their room or even down the hall without my eyes watering as I cough through the fumes. Come to think of it, maybe I should suggest an AXE fight when they get into a competition on who can make a room smell the worst?!?!? I think I prefer AXE fights after all!